
Although we are very experienced in all aspects of Marketing from Media Buying to Print & TV & Radio, and of course the Internet. All this experience has led us to the fact that the most cost effective/valuable/important if not fundamental piece of marketing, is not done and that is Official Google Registration.

We also know that for most of our customers marketing is a nessecery evil and if they can avoid it they will. Even when its something as important as Official Registration.

How it works: Firstly we will need to verify your business either by phone direct with Google or via traditional mail).

Whilst we wait for verification 1/15 days we set-up a “Google +” business page similar to a Facebook page)once this has been done and we have verified your business you will become an Official Google Business and start to receive the benefits.

Once you are up and running the more you update your listing(especially with photos)the more Google rewards you.